
10月27日-11月10日罗湖美术馆 于子博作品展–现实的背面 免费免票

深圳免费网 1212℃

展览时间: 2016年10月27日-11月10日 (周一至周六10:00-17:00,周日闭馆)


主 办:深圳市罗湖区雏声初引艺术服务中心
电 话:+86 0755 82205837
乘 车 路 线:地铁二号线(蛇口线)湖贝站A出口;乘公交至广深宾馆站前行50米


2006年 毕业于中央美院壁画系
2016年 《寓言之绘》罗湖美术馆 深圳
2015年 《一面》中日青年艺术家联展 美成艺术空间 深圳
2014年 《学院新相-美术学院架上艺术精品展》
美成艺术空间 深圳
2013年 个展《里面的世界》不空间 深圳
2006年 《成人的典礼——2006全国八大美院油画专业优秀作品
展》何香凝美术馆 深圳
中央美术学院美术馆 北京

《站台》The platform 70x80cm\2016

《夜》The night 70x80cm\2016

《过路》Passing 50x60cm\2016
I study myself but can’t perceive.
I’m so addicted to feeling that
I lose myself if I’m distracted
From the sensations I receive…
——Fernando Pessoa

Painting is a voluntary expression of my subconscious and a way to know myself.

We are born with senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching.But what’s behind the reality acquired by these senses? Like the opposite side of light is darkness and the contrary side of knowing is unknown, painting is the window for me to unveil the other side of reality.

Artists are learning about a question with no definite answer. But they have a goal, which always requires a more accurate answer with no end.

Darkness gives me sense of security, like the enchanted hug and smell of a mother, who is mysterious, lonely, strange, restless, alienated, unpredictable, absurd and tranquil. Darkness is a kind of dream. When you wake up, you’ll find it’s already out of touch and everything happened was detached from the moment.

I enjoy meditating in a corner at night. Although it does little help to inspire my imagination,it is fascinating indeed, and gives me real moments. When I face a blank paper or canvas, another place occurs to me and I indulge myself in it. Sometimes I even forget the work at hand and immerse in those places.

Yu Zibo
2006 Department of Murals CAFA
2016 Drawing the Fables Luohu Art Museum
2015 One Side Chinese and Japanese Artists Exhibition
MeiCheng Gallery ShenZhen
2014 Academy of Fine Arts Art Exhibition
MeiCheng Gallery ShenZhen
2013 The Inner Word But Space ShenZhen
2006 Adult ceremony Outstanding works exhibition of
Academy of Fine Arts HeXiangNing Art Museum
Interpretation of Heath won first prize in graduation
ceation of CAFA CAFA Art Museum
《街》The street 80x60cm\2015

《下坠》(1) Falling (1) 38x52cm\2016

《下坠》(2) Falling (2) 38x52cm\2016

展览时间: 2016年10月27日-11月10日 (周一至周六10:00-17:00,周日闭馆)


该文章海口龙华区锦盛小凡信息技术工作室 » 10月27日-11月10日罗湖美术馆 于子博作品展–现实的背面 免费免票声明免责声明>>

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